Sunday, February 10, 2008

Ode to Winter

O, Winter
You've outstayed
The welcome we extended.
We're needing a reprieve,
So, we must ask you, now, to leave.

Dear Winter,
Don't take it personal.
We don't like you any less.
But we'd like you to make room
For Spring and Summer,
Whom we miss.

We'd like to pack away
The sweaters, coats, hats and mittens.
We'd like to run and play
Without need of thermal knickers.

So, Winter, it's time to go.
Please pack your cold and snow.
No season should stay forever.
And we're longing for warmer weather.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, contraries-winter, take it very, very personally. ;) I appreciate your poem

7:48 PM  

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