Monday, September 18, 2006

a day of good-bye's, pt. 2

This morning, Eric Asp re-posted a blog about the Zolder. This is Zolder 50's last week in their current space.
As I read Eric's post, I felt compelled to post something of my own. I too have many memories of looking out the Zolder windows on to the streets of Amsterdam.

Our last time there, I took this picture:

I took it at about 1am.
I've only been to Amsterdam a few times, yet I feel like I've spent countless hours gazing out these windows. I'm so drawn to Amsterdam. Sometimes I long so much to be there, my heart hurts. I've spent hours staring out the windows of the Zolder, praying for the city. It strange to think that the next time I'm in Amsterdam, the next time I'm gazing out the windows of the "Zolder", the view won't look like this.

I still remember the first time I saw the Zolder. It was a year and a half ago. My first missions trip to Amsterdam. We walked up the seemingly endless staircase, through the doorway, and into a space that had clearly been set apart for God and His work. It sounds silly to you I'm sure, but the first time I stepped into the Zolder, I got choked up. The atmosphere was powerful. Filled with God's presence.

It was comfortable, warm and inviting. I've worshipped in that space. Prayed, laughed, cried. I've deepend existing friendships and built new ones. I've seen God move powerfully in my life and the lives of others. I even helped make the mosaic at the top of the stairs! So many memories... and I've only spent a grand total of 6 weeks in Amsterdam! So I can't imagine how powerful and emotional the memories are of those who live in Amsterdam and have called the Zolder their church home.

But, as Eric said, thankfully the church is not a building, it's a people. I think the external changes symbolize changes that are happening internally, not just in individuals but in the Zolder as a church. God is working and moving in and among the people of the Zolder. I think the location change is evidence of that. God has something in mind. He has a plan for the Zolder. I think the move will open up ministry opportunities the haven't even been thought of yet. I think it will solidify the truth that the *people* are the church. Though moving a church's location is often viewed as a bad thing, I think it weeds out those who only want something that's convenient or cool, and binds together those who are truly committed. They will be a stronger church for having gone through this together.

I'll miss the view from the Zolder windows. But I look forward to returning to Amsterdam, seeing a new view, and creating new memories.


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