Wednesday, June 13, 2007

we're chosen

I'm currently re-reading the book In the Meantime, by Rob Brendle.
I don't usually re-read books, but I needed to be reminded of the truths this one contains.
The basic premise of the book is how we live into the calling God has for our lives. The author, through the stories of people like David, reminds us that our calling, or God's purpose, isn't about something we strive to achieve but about a person we strive to become. He reminds us that faithfully following God day by day leads to a life of devotion and a life spent living out our purposes and designs.

This is one of my favorite quotes:
"Over the past several years, I have come to believe that the sincerely meant and dramatically expressed petitions ["God, use me!!"] of my early adulthood were entirely off the mark. In fact, it's clear to me now that my pleas for God to use me were nonsensical, and here's why. Passionately pleading for God to use us is like passionately pleading for fire to be hot or for water to be wet. God by his very nature uses people. Yet we have cultivated for ourselves an unwritten theology that we must persuade God to use us to accomplish his plans... Understand that serving God to advance his kingdom's dominion on the earth is not something we have to beg him to do; it's something he has chosen for us."

If you ever wonder, worry, or doubt your ability to or the likelihood of living out God's call for your life, I highly, highly recommend this book.


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