stop fighting it
i like intellectual things, and thoughts, and conversations.
pete and i hung out last night. was supposed to be this morning, but last minute changes...
it worked out for the best really 'cause i was able to stay home and work most of the day.
one of the things i appreciate so much about pete is that he always makes me think. he's one of the few people who will engage in conversations about stuff like biblical culture and theology and things like that.
and i've realized that it makes such a difference in my attitude.
i like research. i like learning about biblical culture, doing word studies, dissecting theology and doctrine.
last night when i got home, i actually knelt by my bed and prayed before going to sleep. i was so aware of God's presence that i couldn't help but acknowledge Him. that kind of heightened awareness of Him always happens when i study. i mean really study. with my concordances, bible dictionaries, historical texts.. gah! i love that kinda stuff!
our ability to reason is God-given. our intellect is part of our soul. i believe that. the brain, as a physical thing, has neurons that fire, chemicals that run through it, etc, etc. but it's our essence, our soul, that makes all the pieces fit. gives things order and reason.
when i don't engage that part of me on a regular basis, i feel less like me.